The Podcast

As children, our imaginations can take us just about anywhere. But as we get older we’re inundated with messages of being responsible and realistic. We learn early on that there’s a certain order to our lives once we reach adulthood – most of which includes following the path and patterns of the adults who came […]

Goals are great. But they don’t always move the needle fast enough for me. They can also feel like ONE MORE THING TO DO on my ever crowded list. That’s why I often lean into the practice of crafting VISIONS in my life instead. When you vision (or ENvision) how your life could be different, […]

Writing in your journal can be therapeutic for your mind and soul. It can also be a way to process your thoughts in real time – so you can better understand yourself and know what you want next. However, the number one reason journaling has been so impactful in my life is not in the […]

Do you embark on the holidays with excitement and anticipation only to end the season depleted? You’re not alone. So many of us rush into the holidays already feeling behind. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel like you’re more in control of walking through the season with ease, rather than the season walking all over […]

Practice isn’t perfect. That’s not the saying I heard growing up and I’m guessing you didn’t either. The problem is, “practice makes perfect” leads us to believe perfection is possible. But setting those kinds of expectations are a recipe for quitting before you even start. The prayer and journaling practice I’ve developed over time is […]

What you choose to do — or not do — in the stillness is up to you.

it only matters that you commit.

Let go of expectations — and listen to yourself.