The Podcast

Do you embark on the holidays with excitement and anticipation only to end the season depleted? You’re not alone. So many of us rush into the holidays already feeling behind. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel like you’re more in control of walking through the season with ease, rather than the season walking all over […]

Practice isn’t perfect. That’s not the saying I heard growing up and I’m guessing you didn’t either. The problem is, “practice makes perfect” leads us to believe perfection is possible. But setting those kinds of expectations are a recipe for quitting before you even start. The prayer and journaling practice I’ve developed over time is […]

Do you journal? Have you ever? Have you heard about the overarching benefits of journaling but aren’t sure where or how to start? If you’ve ever wished you were a “journaler,” or if you’ve wondered if you could be the type of person who journals … this episode is for you. Even if you’ve bought […]

Do you pray? What is your relationship with prayer? Do you feel pressure and anxiety when you hear the word, “prayer?” Or does it bring you comfort and peace? My own journey that led me to my current prayer practice was anything but a straight line. Growing up in a traditional church environment made me […]

Hi friends! On today’s episode I want to talk to you about productivity. Have you ever had those weeks that feel out of sorts and out of your control? This is your friendly reminder that it’s okay if you don’t get all the boxes checked on your list. It’s okay if everything doesn’t roll out […]

What you choose to do — or not do — in the stillness is up to you.

it only matters that you commit.

Let go of expectations — and listen to yourself.